Saturday, June 18, 2011

egyptian practical questions~

- 1st rib > identify, 2 structures related to neck
- lung > identify, side, pointed structure (aortic arch)
- diaphragm > identify, motor nerve supply
...- trachea > identify, level of termination

Histo :
- slide trachea + picture bronchus
وعلم فيها على cartilagenous plates
- slide injected lung + pneumocyte type 2
وعلم فيها على microvilli

Micro :
- Slide C.diphtheria
mention 1 enriched media & 1 selective media for this organism
- slide M.TB
mention test to differentiate between typical & atypical
- sterile swab
mention 3 organisms causing pseudomembrane on tonsils
- a-hemolytic strept on blood agar
mention 1 organism causing respiratory tract infection
- candida on SDA
mention 2 diseases caused

4 jars & 1 slide

- volumes curve
وشاور على vital capacity
normal value, decrease physiologically in ..
- الرسمة اللي فيها RV/Total capacity
normal , obstructive , restrictive
identify obstructive pattern
2 examples of obstructive diseases
FEV1/FVC is ...
- N2 method curve
mention name of the method
Dead space is represented by phase ...
alveolar ventilation is represented by phase ...

Pharma :
- Curve of a drug
write the formula of % relaxation and calculate it at ... concentration
mention 2 other drugs working as histamine

- metered dose inhaler
identify, 2 advantages, 1 drug administered by inhalation

هذا ما اتذكره

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