Carilah Hatimu!
...Genggam al Quran, ingat mati dan berangkatlah. Jalan mujahadah itu susah tapi indah!
Tidak ada kebaikan ibadah yang tidak ada ilmunya dan tidak ada kebaikan ilmu yang tidak difahami dan tidak ada kebaikan bacaan kalau tidak ada perhatian untuknya.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
sedikit amanat dari saudari aisyah fakriyah^_^
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya kita berjaya menempuh exam final untuk Tahun 2. Ujian yang sebenar adalah ujian bagaimana kita meletakkan tahap tawakkal kita pada Allah setelah kita berusaha.
Saya mengambil kesempatan ini, untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK dan SELAMAT PULANG KE TANAH AIR (kepada sesiapa yang balik sahaja)..
Saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada sahabat2 semua memberi peluang kepada saya untuk memegang jawatan ini selama setahun. Sungguh banyak pengalaman manis dan pahit yang telah dilalui. Diri ini sudah tentunya tidak kuat tanpa sokongan sahabat2 semua dan juga semestinya support system yang kuat dari barisan kepimpinan I-mumtaz tahun ini.
Justeru,saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saudara Bokhari, Farah Adiba, Izyan Hanisah, Izzat, Aqilah Yusof, Wan Fathi dan ketua SR saya, Abu Bakar.
Tidak lupa juga kepada ketua dan penolong ketua section: saudara ismul, syahmi, hasif hilmi, raffsan, fitri(mori), naqib, wan izzat, saudari ira munirah, syrul, liyana latep, amirah jalil, liyana sulaiman, atika padzi, dan yusfazliani.
Mengikut pengalaman lepas, insyaAllah within 3 weeks, result final kita akan diumumkan. So, SR yang bertugas sepenuh masa within 3 weeks ini adalah Izyan Hanisah dan Abu Bakar. Memandangkan yang lain, akan pulang ke tanah air dan ada yang akan berziarah ke baitullah.
Untuk repeat exam pula, insyaAllah saya, Abu Bakar dan Wan Fathi akan berada di Mesir. Apa2 update kami akan bagitau. Wallahua’lam..
Terima kasih sahabat2 semua. Selamat bercuti~
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
PENTING~ repeaters!
meeting repeaters akan diadakan di lecture hall c.c pada pukul 11 pagi esok hari,,,
sila maklumkan kepada semua yang berkenaan...
meeting repeaters akan diadakan di lecture hall c.c pada pukul 11 pagi esok hari,,,
sila maklumkan kepada semua yang berkenaan...
insyaAllah esok lepas exam psycho,akan ada perjumpaan untuk semua repeaters untuk isi borang repeat exam.
tempat: dewan peperiksaan periodical building (in case tak dpt permission,kita jumpe dkt depan lecture hall,ats library c.c)
kami nak jumpa sekejap je,insyaAllah tak sampai setengah jam pon,,
kehadiran diwajibkan.
terakhir dari saya,rabbuna yusahil kullukum.. ^^
insyaAllah esok lepas exam psycho,akan ada perjumpaan untuk semua repeaters untuk isi borang repeat exam.
tempat: dewan peperiksaan periodical building (in case tak dpt permission,kita jumpe dkt depan lecture hall,ats library c.c)
kami nak jumpa sekejap je,insyaAllah tak sampai setengah jam pon,,
kehadiran diwajibkan.
terakhir dari saya,rabbuna yusahil kullukum.. ^^
common questions for psycho~
alhamdulillah, egyptian share with us some common questions for psycho exam^_^
hope these questions may benefit u ~
1) Thought MCQ
1.Manipulation of mental representation:
d)decision making
2.All of the following steps of cicle of thought need attention EXCEPT:
a)sensory processing
b)perceiving & describe.
c)decision making
d)ressponse selection.
3.All of the following increase the reaction time EXCEPT :
a)complex decision.
b)comatable stimulus & response.
c)non-expected stimuli.
d)all of the above.
4.Information which are stored as images will be:
a)visual stimuli.
b)smell stimuli.
c)taste stimuli
d)all of the following.
1.A 2.2.A 3.B 4.D
2.Emotion MCQ
5.Which of the following involved in the emotion:
a)subjective feeling.
b)Cognitive interpretion.
c)autonomic nervous system.
d)all of the above.
6.Cognitive interpretation of emotion occurs in:
d)mammillary bodies
7.Depression cause all of the following autonomic response EXCEPT:
a)Congestion of the mucous membrane of GIT.
b)salt & water retention.
c)decrease respiratory rate.
d)decrease heart rate.
8.As regard development of emotion:
a)affection to childeren apear at 8 months
b)affection to adult apear at 12 months
c)elation apear at 24 months
d)Joy appears at 12 months.
5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B
3.Perception MCQ
9.As regard perceptual selectivity :
a)always we dive attention to bigger stimulus.
b)We see what we want to see.
c)the most important personal factor is expectancy.
d) we give attention to stable stimuli than mobile one
10.As regard perceptual organization,closure means:
a)stimuli that have common character tend to be percepted together.
b)we tend to see things as ending up consistent with the way they started off.
c)we tend to percieve figures bas whole & complete.
d)we tend to percieve close stimuli as belonging together.
11.All of the following involve in monocular depth perception EXCEPT:
c)parallel lines
d)brightness of colors.
12.Gestalt Psychology describe:
a)perceptual organization
b)perceptual selectivity
c)perceptual constancy
d)perception o distance.
9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B
4.personality MCQ
13.The psychoanalytical theory is proposed by:
c)John watson.
14.As regard id ,all of the following true EXCEPT:
a)person obying his instincts under control of it
b)it oberate according to pleasure principle.
c)it always think befor acting.
d)it is the spoiled child of personality.
15.Which of the following component harmonize between primitive desires &higher ethical standers:
d)non of the above.
16.As regard personality ,trait approach assemes that personality :
a) arises out from conflict between basic needs & demond of the real world.
b)is made of stable internal characteristics that appear at variable strenghts.
c.result from behavior &cognitive habits that learned from social world.
d)arise from development of person's potentialities to achieve self actualization.
13.B 14.C 15 B 16.B
5.Defence mechanisms MCQ
17.All of the following concert mature defence mechanisms EXCEPT:
a)poor ajustment as an adult.
b)lower incidence of mental illness.
c)job satisfaction.
d)rich friendship.
18.Defence mechanism is addaptive when: used in exclusive manar.
b)the motivation to it comes from present.
c)its usage distor the personal situation.
d)its usage distor the personal feeling.
19.As regard level 1 defence mechanisms,all of the following is true EXCEPT:
a)almost always pathological.
b)they permit to the user to rearrande relity than cope with it.
c)they are the psychotic defences.
d)suppresion is an example.
20.Which of the following is mature defence mechanism:
17.A 18.B 19.D 20B
alhamdulillah, egyptian share with us some common questions for psycho exam^_^
hope these questions may benefit u ~
1) Thought MCQ
1.Manipulation of mental representation:
d)decision making
2.All of the following steps of cicle of thought need attention EXCEPT:
a)sensory processing
b)perceiving & describe.
c)decision making
d)ressponse selection.
3.All of the following increase the reaction time EXCEPT :
a)complex decision.
b)comatable stimulus & response.
c)non-expected stimuli.
d)all of the above.
4.Information which are stored as images will be:
a)visual stimuli.
b)smell stimuli.
c)taste stimuli
d)all of the following.
1.A 2.2.A 3.B 4.D
2.Emotion MCQ
5.Which of the following involved in the emotion:
a)subjective feeling.
b)Cognitive interpretion.
c)autonomic nervous system.
d)all of the above.
6.Cognitive interpretation of emotion occurs in:
d)mammillary bodies
7.Depression cause all of the following autonomic response EXCEPT:
a)Congestion of the mucous membrane of GIT.
b)salt & water retention.
c)decrease respiratory rate.
d)decrease heart rate.
8.As regard development of emotion:
a)affection to childeren apear at 8 months
b)affection to adult apear at 12 months
c)elation apear at 24 months
d)Joy appears at 12 months.
5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B
3.Perception MCQ
9.As regard perceptual selectivity :
a)always we dive attention to bigger stimulus.
b)We see what we want to see.
c)the most important personal factor is expectancy.
d) we give attention to stable stimuli than mobile one
10.As regard perceptual organization,closure means:
a)stimuli that have common character tend to be percepted together.
b)we tend to see things as ending up consistent with the way they started off.
c)we tend to percieve figures bas whole & complete.
d)we tend to percieve close stimuli as belonging together.
11.All of the following involve in monocular depth perception EXCEPT:
c)parallel lines
d)brightness of colors.
12.Gestalt Psychology describe:
a)perceptual organization
b)perceptual selectivity
c)perceptual constancy
d)perception o distance.
9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B
4.personality MCQ
13.The psychoanalytical theory is proposed by:
c)John watson.
14.As regard id ,all of the following true EXCEPT:
a)person obying his instincts under control of it
b)it oberate according to pleasure principle.
c)it always think befor acting.
d)it is the spoiled child of personality.
15.Which of the following component harmonize between primitive desires &higher ethical standers:
d)non of the above.
16.As regard personality ,trait approach assemes that personality :
a) arises out from conflict between basic needs & demond of the real world.
b)is made of stable internal characteristics that appear at variable strenghts.
c.result from behavior &cognitive habits that learned from social world.
d)arise from development of person's potentialities to achieve self actualization.
13.B 14.C 15 B 16.B
5.Defence mechanisms MCQ
17.All of the following concert mature defence mechanisms EXCEPT:
a)poor ajustment as an adult.
b)lower incidence of mental illness.
c)job satisfaction.
d)rich friendship.
18.Defence mechanism is addaptive when: used in exclusive manar.
b)the motivation to it comes from present.
c)its usage distor the personal situation.
d)its usage distor the personal feeling.
19.As regard level 1 defence mechanisms,all of the following is true EXCEPT:
a)almost always pathological.
b)they permit to the user to rearrande relity than cope with it.
c)they are the psychotic defences.
d)suppresion is an example.
20.Which of the following is mature defence mechanism:
17.A 18.B 19.D 20B
latest info for the exam (psycho)~
Assalamualaikum.. InsyaAllah, ini list untuk exam esok..
psycho (6) = 20 questions (10 marks)
defense mechanism, emotion, perception, personality, frustation and thought (utk thoughts:baca words and ppt)
ethics (3) = 10 questions (10 marks)
organ transplantation, medical reports n certificates, ME in CVS.p/s: klu ada perubahan, insyaAllah bgtau balik
psycho (6) = 20 questions (10 marks)
defense mechanism, emotion, perception, personality, frustation and thought (utk thoughts:baca words and ppt)
ethics (3) = 10 questions (10 marks)
organ transplantation, medical reports n certificates, ME in CVS.p/s: klu ada perubahan, insyaAllah bgtau balik
Attention :Tempahan Kurma dan Baraka
Salam alayk,
Kepada sesiapa yang ada menempah kurma daripada AlexYE boleh mengambil tempahan anda di rumah Adibah Aminah bermula daripada hari ini.
Dan kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menempah Baraka (pil habatus sauda) boleh tempah terus dekat Adibah Aminah.Tempahan dibuka sampai 29hb Julai
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Slip Attachment
Bagi mereka yang memohon untuk membuat ATTACHMENT sila ambil sijil attachment anda dengan saya di LIBRARY CC SELEPAS ABIS EXAM PSYCHO AND ETHICS,insha Allah.
From Aqila Yusof
From Aqila Yusof
ade 'file' baru ----> collection of psychology and ethics notes and questions
dalam 'folder' -----> 2nd year (cont) > final exam
ade 'file' baru ----> collection of psychology and ethics notes and questions
dalam 'folder' -----> 2nd year (cont) > final exam
Assalamualaikum wbt. Harap2 semua masih lagi mengekalkan momentum study utk paper last kita lusa ni. Biarlah momentum menyambut Ramdhan selari malah lebih tinggi dari balik Malaysia. Semoga kita semua dijemput Allah untuk berada dalam bulan Ramadhan tahun ni.
InsyaAllah untuk exam Khamis ni..
There will be 10 questions in ethics with 10 marks and 20 questions for psychology with 10 marks..
>total marks 20, >total questions 30..
good luck (^^)//
p/s : jgn lupa bertawakkal pada Allah dalam setiap ujian. Jauhkan diri dari maksiat pada Allah.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Past Year Question Pathology
Assalamualaikum WBT
These are essay question from previous year ;
These are essay question from previous year ;
-Discuss role of smoking in development of centriacinar and panacinar emphysema
-Complications of pneumonia
-Tabulate differences between pulmonary adenocarcinoma and small cell carcinoma
-Mention 2 main pathological types of bronchogenic carcinoma and explain basis for this distinction
-Causes (predisposing conditions ) of lung abscesses
-Tabulate differences between centriacinar and panacinar emphysema
Past Year Question Physiology (Essay Question)
-Define intrapleural pressure and discuss cause and significance of its negativity
-Discuss the factors that affect oxygen dissociation curve
-Explain effect of increase arterial PCO2 ( hyercapnea ) on ventilation
-Define diffusion capacity and mention factors affecting it
-Explain effects of acute and chronic increase in arterial PCO2 on ventilation
-Draw and analyzes perfusion zones of vertical lung, mention cause affecting it
-Explain non- chemical regulation of respiration
-Anaemic hypoxia ( causes,mechanism,and effect on oxygen dissociation curve )
-Discuss oxygen cascade
-Discuss respiratory centres (site and function )
-Pulmonary surfactant( nature,origin, and its physiological importance )
-Foetal haemoglobin,carbon monoxide poisoning,exercising muscle. Draw their oxygen dissociation curve in relation to normal and discuss causes
-Carbon dioxide transport in the blood and its importance
-Acclimatization to high altitude
-Factors affecting affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen
-Diffusing capacity of the lung( definition and factors affecting diffusion through respiratory membrane )
-Chloride shift
-Discuss hypoxia,its type and causes
-Effects of gravity on ventilation and pulmonary blood flow
-Discuss normal V/Q ratio and effect of V/Q mismatch on gas exchange
-Explain mechanism of stimulation of respiration during mild,moderate and severe exercise
-Compare ventilation,perfusion in the apex and base of the lung in standing position
-Describe mechanism of stimulation of breathing during exercise
-Define hypoxia and its physiological types
-Draw and comment on O2 dissociation curve
This is past year question(essay) randomly taken from year 1998-2008
Try to do this questions as it might enter the exam
Poster 12: 'Membantu orang yang dalam kesulitan'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 4)

..."Kitalah orang yang Allah jadikan untuk berada di samping mereka -untuk membantu mereka. InshaAllah, Allah akan kurniakan orang lain yang lebih baik untuk membantu kita..Moga-moga setiap waktu yang digunakan untuk membantu saudara-saudara kita dalam kesusahan,Allah gandakan keberkatan dalam kehidupan kita." -dipetik dari artikel sumbangan Tahun 4.
Poster 13: 'Menepati janji'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 1)

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mengapa kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu kerjakan? Amat berat kebencian di sisi Allah bahawa kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu kerjakan." [as-Soff:2-3]
Poster 13: 'Toleransi dan pemaaf terhadap saudaranya'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 5)
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 5)

..."Dan bersegeralah kamu kepada ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada surga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa,(iaitu) orang-orang yang menafkahkan (hartanya), baik di waktu lapang maupun sempit, dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan (kesalahan) orang. Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan." Ali-Imran: 133-134.
A real muslim... forgives one another ;)
A real muslim... forgives one another ;)
Poster 14: 'Memasukkan kegembiraan dalam hati saudaranya'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 2)
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 2)

..."Barangsiapa yang menemui saudaranya sesama muslim dengan sesuatu yang dicintai Allah, untuk menggembirakannya dengan hal tersebut, maka Allah akan memberikan kegembiraan kepadanya di hari kiamat." (HR. Thabarani)
Poster 15: 'Bermanfaat bagi orang lain dan menjauhkan kemudharatan bagi mereka'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 3)

**Apa kaitan 'Nemo' dengan topik ini? Sila rujuk artikel yang berkaitan :)
Poster 16: 'Mendahulukan bakti kepada ibu kemudian bapa'
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 4)
(Hasil kreatif Tahun 4)

...Dalam sebuah hadis Rasulullah saw, disebutkan bahawa suatu hari datanglah seorang lelaki kepada Rasulullah saw seraya berkata : “Wahai Rasulullah saw, siapakah orang yang paling berhak untuk aku pergauli dengan baik?”. Rasulullah saw menjawab, “Ibumu”. Lelaki tadi bertanya : “Kemudian siapa lagi?”. Rasulullah saw menjawab : “Ibumu”. Lelaki tadi bertanya : “Kemudian siapa lagi?”. Rasulullah saw menjawab : “Ibumu”. Lelaki tadi bertanya : “Kemudian siapa lagi?”. Rasulullah saw menjawab : “Ayahmu”.
We.Are.Real.Muslims [WARM] -Fasa 2: 'Hold My Hand'
Friday, July 22, 2011
these questions are not really spots questions,
but some exercises that might help you~
happy studying~
1. course of phrenic and its branches
2. course of vagi and its branches
3. course of intercostal nerves and its branches
4. diaphragm (origin-insertio-openings) OR (All structure passing through it)
5. trachea
6. mediastinal surface of right and left lung
7. plexuses (formed of and distribution .. site in case of cardiac plexus)
8. sphenopalatine ganglion (type-site-roots and branches)
______________________________ _______________________
congenital anomalies
______________________________ _______________________
1. compare between primary and secondary TB infection
2. stages of lobar pneumonia
3. pathogenesis of emphysema
4. morphology of chronic bronchitis and its compilication
5. morphology of bronchiectasis and complication
6. fate of lung abscess
7. causes of hemoptysis
8. etiology of bronchogenic carcinoma
______________________________ _______________________
1. tuberculin tests (material used -tests-interpretation and value)
2. rapid techniques of TB lab diagnosis
3. diseases caused by (Adenovirus, pneumococci- H.Influenzae)
4. compare between antigenic drift and shift
5. compare between spikes of orthomyxovirus
6. prophylaxis of orthomyxovirus
7. general characters of mycoplasma and non specific test used to identify it (principle)
8. general characters of chlamydia
9. differential diagnosis of C.diphtheria and prophylaxis
10. Compare between mycoplasma and chlamydia (V.IMP)!!
______________________________ ______________________
1. DOTS in TB
2. mechanism of action and adverse effect of (rifampine- INH-pyrazinamide)
3. criteria of drug allergy
4. action of cytokines
5. immunotherapy (def.- mechanism of action and adverse effect)
6. medication sensitivities
______________________________ ______________________
1. diffusion capacity (def and factors affecting it)
2. CO2 transport mechanism
3. important of surfactant
4. compliance (def-factors-increase and decrease)
5. causes of -ve IPP and its significance
6. fetal Hb and CO poisoning and its treatment
7. Halden effect
8. important of peripheral chemoreceptors
9. effect of increase and decrease of PaCO2
10. causes of hypoxic hypoxia
11. perfusion zones
12. factors affecting blood flow
13. causes of regional difference of pulmonary blood flow
these questions are not really spots questions,
but some exercises that might help you~
happy studying~
1. course of phrenic and its branches
2. course of vagi and its branches
3. course of intercostal nerves and its branches
4. diaphragm (origin-insertio-openings) OR (All structure passing through it)
5. trachea
6. mediastinal surface of right and left lung
7. plexuses (formed of and distribution .. site in case of cardiac plexus)
8. sphenopalatine ganglion (type-site-roots and branches)
congenital anomalies
1. compare between primary and secondary TB infection
2. stages of lobar pneumonia
3. pathogenesis of emphysema
4. morphology of chronic bronchitis and its compilication
5. morphology of bronchiectasis and complication
6. fate of lung abscess
7. causes of hemoptysis
8. etiology of bronchogenic carcinoma
1. tuberculin tests (material used -tests-interpretation and value)
2. rapid techniques of TB lab diagnosis
3. diseases caused by (Adenovirus, pneumococci- H.Influenzae)
4. compare between antigenic drift and shift
5. compare between spikes of orthomyxovirus
6. prophylaxis of orthomyxovirus
7. general characters of mycoplasma and non specific test used to identify it (principle)
8. general characters of chlamydia
9. differential diagnosis of C.diphtheria and prophylaxis
10. Compare between mycoplasma and chlamydia (V.IMP)!!
1. DOTS in TB
2. mechanism of action and adverse effect of (rifampine- INH-pyrazinamide)
3. criteria of drug allergy
4. action of cytokines
5. immunotherapy (def.- mechanism of action and adverse effect)
6. medication sensitivities
1. diffusion capacity (def and factors affecting it)
2. CO2 transport mechanism
3. important of surfactant
4. compliance (def-factors-increase and decrease)
5. causes of -ve IPP and its significance
6. fetal Hb and CO poisoning and its treatment
7. Halden effect
8. important of peripheral chemoreceptors
9. effect of increase and decrease of PaCO2
10. causes of hypoxic hypoxia
11. perfusion zones
12. factors affecting blood flow
13. causes of regional difference of pulmonary blood flow
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Salaam Alayk. Egyptian Questions.
enumerate the broncho-pulmonary segments of the right lung
give the surface anatomy of the left plura
explain the causes of -ve IPP ,mention the value at the apex and base of vertical normal lung demonstrating its effect on ventilation.
draw O2-HB dissociation curve explain the role of 2,3 DPG in O2 transport and factors affecting 2,3 DPG
respiratory tract diseases caused by H- influenza
laboratory diagnosis of respiratory chlamydial infection
influenza virus vaccines
mention 3 drugs used in acute asthma
mention 3 drugs used in treatment of TB
list the complication of bronciectasis
tabulate the difference between bacterial pneumonia and viral pneumonia
2-squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
SPOTS QUESTIONS!!! attention please~
soalan-soalan spot ini telah dicari oleh ketua dan penolong ketua section. terima kasih atas usaha kalian^_^
maaf atas kelewatan menge'post' soalan ini .
semoga soalan ini masih dapat memberi sedikit 'hint' untuk apa yang korg kne baca last2 minit ni.
-ischaemic heart disease- ALL
- Histological features of cardiac muscles
read all the lecture..
soalan-soalan spot ini telah dicari oleh ketua dan penolong ketua section. terima kasih atas usaha kalian^_^
maaf atas kelewatan menge'post' soalan ini .
semoga soalan ini masih dapat memberi sedikit 'hint' untuk apa yang korg kne baca last2 minit ni.
-ischaemic heart disease- ALL
-acute rheumatic fever
-chronic rheumatic heart disease, EXCEPT: MYOCARDITIS
-infective endocarditis
-arteriosclerosis,including atherosclerosis EXCEPT: MONCKEBERG'S SCLEROSIS, ARTERIOLOSCLEROSIS
-haemodynamic changes
-->hyperimea &congestion, EXCEPT: CHRONIC VENOUS
-->infarction..for essay,focus on infarction of the lung only.
for mcq, infarction in different organs maybe ask. for
example:all of the following organ may undergo
coagulative necrosis except.. answer: brain, liquefactive
soalan yg mybe kluar dlm essay adelah dlm bentuk risk factors,types, n others..include gross morphology pn mgkin die tnye, tp utk microscopic morphology die mgkin akn tnye dlm mcq..jadual2 sume tu pn sgt penting..
for mcq, prof forget how many questions will be ask, but for essay question, 3 questions will be ask in both cvs n respiratory module, 3 questions=7 marks
- Histological features of cardiac muscles
-Histology of blood vessels
read all the lecture..
-drugs for ischaemic heart disease
also tbl is important..
*actually dye nak sebut bace sume je...dye x bag hint sangat..
and stress upon side effects, which drugs is prefer in the situation,what drugs to use and their mechanism..
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Egyptian's Questions.
physio :1- coronary blood flow and its factors
2-list the mechanical changes during isovolumetric contraction phase
3- give sites , stimulus .explanation of function of baroreceptors
anatomy : 1- enumerate 2 structures post. to azygos
2- mention 4 branches of EC artery
3- embryological origin of rt subclavian artery
4- describe the surface anatomy of left border of heart
pathology :
1- explain - myocardial infarction starts in subendocardial origin
- renal infarcts are pale
2- list risk factors of AS
3- compare between acute rheumatic enocarditis and infective one
micro :
1- 2 enzymes of strep .pyogens and its medical value
2- microbiological investigations in case of infective endocarditis
3- 2 tests used for diagnosis of rheumatic fever
histo :
1- describe histo features of fenestrated blood capillaries and their sites|
2- compare between tunica media in medium sized artery and vein (structure- percentage)
3- mention origin . character . location of T.tubule
pharma it was a case of myocardial infarction
and he asked about :
1- drug restore blood flow and mechanism of action
2- drug prevent extention of pre-existing thrombus and two side effects
3- mechanism of action of CCBs in ischemic heart diseases
Distribution marks for cvs~
End of semester exam | End of Module exam (MCQs) | Practical | Assignment | ||
Subtotal | Essay | MCQs | |||
50% | 25% | 25% | 20% | 20% | 10% |
Year 2 - Semester 4
Module 2: Cardiovascular system (2010-2011)
| Total marks (100%) | Assignment (≈10%) | Practical (≈20%) | End of Module Exam MCQs 1Q = ½ mark (≈20%) | End of Semester Exam (50%) | ||
MCQs 1Q = 1 mark (≈25%) | Essay (≈25%) | Subtotal (50%) | |||||
Module 11 CVS | 150 | 15 | 30 Anatomy (6) Physiology (5) Bacteriology(5) Histology(4) Pathology(4) Pharmacology(4) Biochemistry(2) | 30 Physiology(11) = 22QX½ Anatomy(6) = 12Qx½ Pathology(6) = 12Qx½ Histology (2) = 4Qx½ Pharmacology(2) = 4Qx½ Bacteriology(2) = 4Qx½ Bioch (1)= 2QX½ Total 60 Q | 38 Physiology (14) = 14Q X1 Anatomy (7) = 7Q X1 Pathology(7) = 7x1 Histology (3) = 3Qx1 Pharmacology (3) = 3Qx1 Bacta (3) = 3Qx1 Bioch (1)= 1QX1 Total 38 Q | 37 Physiology 13 Anatomy 7 Pathology 7 Histology 3 Pharmacology 3 Bacteriology 3 Biochemistry 1 | 75 Physiology 27 Anatomy 14 Pathology 14 Histology 6 Pharmacology 6 Bacteriology 6 Biochemistry 2 |
Notes | | | | Time Allowed: 70 min. | Time Allowed: 45 min. | Time Allowed: 60 min. | |