Wednesday, July 13, 2011


there are a  new tab >>> QUESTIONS TAB

1. arterial supply of the heart (origin ,course and branches)
2. interior of the right atrium (very very very important)
3. arch of aorta (beginning ,termination, course, relations) (very very important)
4. thoracic duct (beginning, termination, course, tributaries) (very very important)
5. surface anatomy of the heart
6.  internal jugular vein (beginning, course, termination and tributaries)
7. contents of superior ,posterior ,middle mediastinum
1. changes that occur after birth (new born) (very important)
2. abnormalities in development of the heart
3. embryologic origin of arch of aorta- subclavians
4. development of the septums (atrial and ventricular)
1. difference between typical myocardial cells and purkinjie fibers
2. difference between large and medium sized artery (important)
3. difference between medium sized artery and vein (important)
4. difference between sinusoid and capillaries
5. Types of cell junctions in Transverse portion
6. types of capillaries
1. toxins of streptococcal pyogenes
2. Lab diagnosis of Strept. pyogenes
3. diseases caused by Staph. aureus
4. virulence of Staph. aurues
5. Toxins and enzymes of Staph. aurues
6. how to improve the yield of blood culture
7. Lab diagnosis of infective endocarditis
1. Effect of insulin on the heart (very important)
2. Glucose Fatty acid cycle or Randle cycle
1. types of angina
2. morphology of MI and its pathogenesis (complications momken tege mcq w ya rab ma tege 5als :D)
3. morphology of acute rheumatic fever and main organ affected (most imp is the heart)
4. Jones criteria (important)
5. compare between ABE and SABE
6. compare between vegetations in acute rheumatic fever and bacterial endocarditis
7. morphology of AS
8. general effects of chronic venous congestion
9. factors affecting development of infarct
10. steps of thrombosis formation
11. fate of thrombosis
12. compare between thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis
1. frank starling law (very very very imp)
2. baroreceptor reflex (very very imp)
3. edema (very very important)
4. atrial stretch reflex
5. ay 7aga fel ECG kolo mohem
6. control of coronary blood flow
7. excitation contraction coupling
8. mechanism of cardiac reserve
9. compare between fast and slow  action potential and their curves
10.renin angiotensin mechanism
11. endothelial mediated regulation of blood flow
12. causes of increase HR during inspiration
13. factors determine pumping capacity of the heart
14. starling forces
15. renal body fluid pressure control mechanism
16. isometric contraction and relaxation and atrial systole
17. vasodilator hormones
1. mechanism of action of nitrates (very important) and its side effects
2. combination therapy in angina (momken mcq aktar)
3. mechanism of action of statin- fibrates-niacin -resin
4. compare between heparin and LMWH
5. control of therapy in heparin and warfarin
6. antidote of heparin and warfarin

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